Thursday, March 12, 2009

Randy Pausch, author of The Last Lecture, is a hero.

This is a picture of Randy,the author of The Last Lecture, and his three children. Just seeing this picture breaks my heart but also helps me really appreciate this book. As I read, I find myself thinking 'Would I have the strength to create such a legacy for my children as I am dying of cancer?'. I pray I will never know that answer but I believe that Randy Pausch is a hero for doing so.

Page 39: There are two kinds of head fakes. The first is literal. One on a football field, a player will move his head one way so you'll think he's going in that direction. then he goes the opposite way. It's like a magician using misdirection. Coach Graham used to tell us to watch a player's waist. "Where his belly button goes, his body goes," he'd say.

The second kind of head fake is the really important one--the one that teaches people things they don't realize they're learning until well into the process. If you're a head fake specialist, your hidden objective is to get them to learn something you want them to learn. This kind of head-fake learning is absolutely vital. And Coach Graham was the master.

Comment or email me,, with your thoughts on this man's legacy.

Happy Reading!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great book! I cannot imagine being in his situation!