How many times have I been talking to my Grandma or Mom and heard them exclaim, "Wow! I never did all that stuff with you kids!"
I began to examine what I believe my role as a stay at home Mom is.
When I declared to my husband years ago that I wanted to be a stay at home Mom, my thoughts were on my future children. I dreamed of days filled with diapers, nursing, rocking, and PLAYING. Yes, I thought, dinner ready would be nice and lots of emotional support for my husband. Never did I picture my job to include housework. Of course, I would do house work but only around my other duties.
Fortunately, my Husband is thrilled that I feel so strongly about mothering, though I am sure he wishes the house could be cleaner and more organized.
I am sure we have made our lives at home what suits us and our families but I do believe our generation, more than ever, can live a life that fits us, not fit into a life we are told to.
Why Play?
1. Playing is an important part of parenting.
2. The sweet sound of "come on Mom, lets play!"
3. Playing can be a nice alternative to errands and housework.
4. Playing is some how easier than being interrupted repeatedly while trying to complete tasks.
5. The Playing stage won't last forever.
6. The feeling of being a kid all over again!!!!!
I say, the laundry will always be there, go play!!!
What do you think? Does our generation have more opportunity? Comment or email me at
This comes at an interesting time...I am struggling with balancing housework, taking care of Micha, finding time for myself, exercising, dinner and everything else! Not to mention my perfectionist husband who loves a perfectly clean museum quality house! And the fact that we don't have a dishwasher! I think I shouldn't be so hard on myself and I should continue to enjoy my time with Michaela, outside in the springtime!
Our motto is "families who play together, stay together". We love playing in our household, it is our favorite thing about parenting. If we go to bed knowing we played well that day, it was a good day (even if the house was neglected). My mom played with us a lot growing up and those memories are treasured. I remember the sense of community as a child as the mothers and children on our street got together all the time in the day to play when I was growing up. I wish I had more of that now while raising my own children.
Kate, You know what my vote is! Do you guys have spring weather? I am jealous. We are still covered in snow! Happy Birthday Michaela and have a great weekend.
Kim, that is a great motto, I will have to use it. Thanks for sharing about your memories as a kid. I hope in time you feel more of a sense of community here.
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