Sunday, March 29, 2009
The Christmas Sweater
Watch this amazon video that gives us an idea about what The Christmas Sweater is about. Make sure to scroll down to play the Amazon Video.
Happy Reading!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
How to Get Rid of the Clutter
Back in December, I signed up with Clutter Diet, an on-line, get your life in order, program. I had been on crutches for weeks, staring at the clutter I hadn't really noticed before. I was ready to strip my house, and I did for about three months. As it goes, I lost motivation for two, maybe three weeks; okay a month! Turns out that was the best thing that could have happened because I realized how different my family operated with and without clutter.
I wrote an article about how clutter can affect our lives at Life with Balance which confirmed my experience. I am now, for the most part, back on track and it feels great.
Stay at Home Moms
How many times have I been talking to my Grandma or Mom and heard them exclaim, "Wow! I never did all that stuff with you kids!"
I began to examine what I believe my role as a stay at home Mom is.
When I declared to my husband years ago that I wanted to be a stay at home Mom, my thoughts were on my future children. I dreamed of days filled with diapers, nursing, rocking, and PLAYING. Yes, I thought, dinner ready would be nice and lots of emotional support for my husband. Never did I picture my job to include housework. Of course, I would do house work but only around my other duties.
Fortunately, my Husband is thrilled that I feel so strongly about mothering, though I am sure he wishes the house could be cleaner and more organized.
I am sure we have made our lives at home what suits us and our families but I do believe our generation, more than ever, can live a life that fits us, not fit into a life we are told to.
Why Play?
1. Playing is an important part of parenting.
2. The sweet sound of "come on Mom, lets play!"
3. Playing can be a nice alternative to errands and housework.
4. Playing is some how easier than being interrupted repeatedly while trying to complete tasks.
5. The Playing stage won't last forever.
6. The feeling of being a kid all over again!!!!!
I say, the laundry will always be there, go play!!!
What do you think? Does our generation have more opportunity? Comment or email me at littlemrsw@yahoo.ca.
Monday, March 16, 2009
What are Mommies Made of?
Have you ever wondered what other Mom’s lives look like? Have you been trying to get your kids out the door and thought “Am I missing something? How does everyone else do this?” Have you ever been interested in wanting to know more about Mom’s like you?
I was honoured to interview Bonnie Giampa from Virgil, Ontario. Here is a look into another Mom's life! Thanks Bonnie!
Please tell me about yourself Bonnie.
My name is Bonnie Giampa, I am a wife, mother of a five year old son Matteo and a three year old daughter Madison. I also opened my own business four years ago called Balance Fitness Studio. My day starts at about
What state is typical for your living area?
My house is what I like to call a perfect storm. Why, because I know where everything is. I might have many piles, but I know what is in those piles. Move them around and I would be lost. My floors are dirty, my kitchen is clean, and my bathrooms well they have seen better days. I try to keep my children's toys in the living room, with the exception of (who are we kidding), there are toys everywhere. From books, dinky cars and dolls it is difficult to find a room that looks great in our house. Our house is lived in. I am pretty laid back and so is my husband. We are known to play hockey on our hard wood floors, and catch from our great room to our kitchen. Probably why it looks the way it does. But for us, again it works great.
If you had to pick one thing that you enjoyed most about being a Mom, what would it be?
I love just being with our children. When I cuddle with them, hold them, kiss them it makes me realize what is truly important. They are the best part of me, and love so unconditionally. I remember so many nights just holding and rocking in the dark bedroom and feeling, nothing could ever be more fulfilling. To be honest I miss those nights, so when they come to get me out of my bed I don’t mind going to cuddle with them one more time.
If you had to pick one struggle that you have, being a Mom, what would it be?
I struggle with the pull of trying to be a stay at home mom, and business owner all at the same time. I try so hard to be there whole heartily when we are together, and sometimes I wonder is it enough.
What is the most important thing you want to teach your children?
I want my children to follow their passion. To never settle for something they don’t want, and to love unconditionally.
What are you afraid of?
I am afraid of three things. Losing my husband, my son or my daughter. I know I would never recover.
Do you have any tricks for getting out the door?
I have no tricks for getting out the door, because I am always late. Still trying to figure that one out.
What are some things you continue to do for yourself?
The struggle of being a mom and wife and still doing things for yourself is always a battle. But there are things I continue to do every week. I play volleyball in a girls league, with my sisters and my girlfriends. It is our time, to be just us. I am also known to get myself a Tazo Chai from Starbucks and sit at Chapters reading a great magazine or book! Got to love Starbucks.
If you are interested, or know someone that would be, in being a featured Mommy on Tea Time please leave a comment or email me at littlemrs@yahoo.ca.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Laughter Feels so Good and is Healthy!
We have been having fun with joke websites lately:
What did one eye say to the other eye?
There is something between us that smells!
For more jokes like this one go to Good Clean Funnies List and Yahooligans! Jokes.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Randy Pausch, author of The Last Lecture, is a hero.
This is a picture of Randy,the author of The Last Lecture, and his three children. Just seeing this picture breaks my heart but also helps me really appreciate this book. As I read, I find myself thinking 'Would I have the strength to create such a legacy for my children as I am dying of cancer?'. I pray I will never know that answer but I believe that Randy Pausch is a hero for doing so.
Page 39: There are two kinds of head fakes. The first is literal. One on a football field, a player will move his head one way so you'll think he's going in that direction. then he goes the opposite way. It's like a magician using misdirection. Coach Graham used to tell us to watch a player's waist. "Where his belly button goes, his body goes," he'd say.
The second kind of head fake is the really important one--the one that teaches people things they don't realize they're learning until well into the process. If you're a head fake specialist, your hidden objective is to get them to learn something you want them to learn. This kind of head-fake learning is absolutely vital. And Coach Graham was the master.
Comment or email me, littlemrsw@yahoo.ca, with your thoughts on this man's legacy.
Happy Reading!
Kelly Corrigan is the author of The Middle Place, February's book! It was a very comfortable read that had me laughing at her funny stories, crying along side her as she endured cancer treatments and connecting with her love for family. I loved her honesty and am thankful she shared her story. I would definitely read another book written by Kelly if she decides to write one.
What are your thoughts on The Middle Place? Comment or email me at littlemrsw@yahoo.ca.
Happy Reading!