I am happy to introduce to you Dana Adams from Charlottesville, Virginia(my sister in law and friend).
Dana is the first Mommy to be featured on Tea Time; I hope you enjoy the interview as much as I did.
Who are you? Name, location, describe your family, what does your day look like?
My name is Dana Adams. I’m married to my high school sweetheart, Ryan, and we have a beautiful little girl named Sadie. A second child is on the way too, due in June. We live in the great state of Virginia in the eastern U.S.
Thankfully, I have been given the opportunity to stay at home with our daughter, so my typical day is full of book reading, doll hugging, and snack times.
We usually start our day around 7:00 with breakfast, and Ryan is out the door for work around 7:30. Sadie and I often spend our mornings running errands or going to playgroups. My favorite morning outing: playgroup at the local coffee shop. After lunch, Sadie goes down for a (long) nap. That’s my work time. I have a home business (website), so I spend most of nap time working on that. The rest of nap time is spent getting things done around the house. By 5:00 we typically start cooking dinner, and Ryan is home by 5:45. After dinner, the evening is usually spent doing things around the house as a family.
What state is typical for your living area? ie. Can you eat off your floors, an organized mess (perfect storm), or a complete disaster (a tornado went through).
I’m definitely not a great housekeeper, much to Ryan’s dismay at times. I would say our house is typically a “perfect storm”. The time I do have to clean is primarily spent picking up after a (very) active 16 month old. If I had two more hours in the day to myself and a little more cleaning motivation, I perhaps would have a cleaner house. Maybe.
If you had to pick one thing that you enjoyed most about being a Mom, what would it be?
If you had to pick one struggle that you have, being a Mom, what would it be?
Discipline. We’ve already seen many signs of a strong will and independence from our daughter. She can be one tough cookie- at 16 months. It’s been such a struggle and learning process to learn how to discipline her best. Any ideas would be appreciated!
What is the most important thing you want to teach your children?
What are you afraid of?
I love my husband and daughter so much that I just don’t know what I would do without them. Something happening to them is a pretty scary thought.
Do you have any tricks for getting out the door ?
I keep the diaper bag pretty well stocked at all times. (But not so much it weighs me down.) It always has a spare outfit, a few diapers, snacks, etc. The only thing I have to throw in is a sippy cup. It makes that part of getting out the door easier.
What are some things you continue to do for yourself?
I have a home business. It’s a blog, and from it I’ve been able to make a little part time income. I started the blog several months ago after Sadie was born, and while the earnings are nice, and I’ve continued to do it primarily for myself. It’s a great professional and creative outlet for me. After I became a stay-at-home mom, I felt like I wasn’t tapping into my potential, and I was just bored. My site has allowed me to have some “professional” time each day as a work, and it gets my brain going. Plus, I am building my resume for the time I decide to return to work.
And that's what Mommies are made of.....
Thanks Dana! Nice to know I am not the only non domestic Mom around!! Cleaning is my enemy!
Loved this Dana, nice to meet you and thanks for sharing with us!!!
Cute article - I get Dana's updates each day and figured I would read a little about her! House cleaniness will get worse as that 2nd child arrives with two toddlers in my house I find I am constantly picking up in between working!
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