Thursday, January 29, 2009

Easy Steps to Recognize and Extinguish Unhealthy Mommy Guilt!

Easy Steps to Recognize and Extinguish Unhealthy Mommy Guilt!
Written by Mari Wiwcharuk
Get rid of that annoying side kick, mommy guilt, by making positive changes, remembering your role as a mom, talking to good friends and remembering to forgive yourself.
It seems as a mother there are no shortages of things to feel guilty about, the glass of wine you had the day your baby was conceived, did you exercise enough or maybe too much, did you produce enough milk, did you buy the right kind of formula, just can’t seem to get on top of that laundry? The feeling of guilt can be helpful but becomes detrimental, stealing joy from your experiences, when you are always feeling like you are not enough.

How to Stop Mommy Guilt in it’s Tracks
In the article A Mother’s Guide to Dealing with Guilt written by Susie Cortright (editor of two “just for you” websites:, Susie lists ways to combat this guilt condition.

  • Re-examine your goals and priorities Leslie Spencer, founder and director of Home Based Working Moms, offers sound advice. "If your guilt involves not spending quality and quantity time with your children, then the issue should be taken seriously," she says. "Decide your goals and where they are falling short. If you work at home to spend more time with your children, you’ll have to address the issue of a growing business that requires more time or growing children who require more time. Don’t hesitate to hire outside help to help you accomplish your goals."

  • Remember Your Role as a Parent It is our duty to set limits. "Understand that setting priorities, limits and boundaries...about time, money, gifts, etcetera, is part of being a parent, and requires no apologies or guilty feelings," she says. "Don’t let yourself be run or controlled by these emotions, especially when it’s in the best interest of your child to stick to the limits or priorities you’ve set."

  • Learn from Your Mistakes Discuss the object of your guilt with people whose opinion you respect. Give yourself permission to make mistakes and vow to learn from them. Be honest and upfront with your children, if you determine you are at fault. Offer a sincere apology and explanation.

Now is the time to hire that babysitter/house cleaner, continue to make them make their beds (without feeling bad about it), admit your mistakes humbly with many apologies and enjoy coffee dates with your friends. Sounds like guilt free living…but what about that yummy piece of chocolate cake?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Check out this working Link!!

Please forgive me for my lack of Tech Suaveness!!! Please try this link to see our February Book Author!

Happy Reading!

Powerful Words

For more information about our February Book check out the author, Kelly Corrigan 's website!

Happy Reading!

February's Book

February's Book

I don't have a picture of it yet but below is an amazing video that gives us a glimpse of what our next pick is about! I know we are all busy but please take time to watch this is worth it!

Tea Time has sent you a RealPlayer video link:

Facebook Message: Transcending: Words on Women and Strength by Kelly Corrigan An amazing video about our February Book.....

.....THE MIDDLE PLACE by Kelly Corrigan.

Thanks Kim for the great suggestion!!!! If anyone has book suggestions or comments please email me at

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Thanks Dana for giving us a glimpse of your life as a Mom! I really appreciate your honesty in answering those questions and I loved hearing about what goes on in your house every day!
Dana's blog is amazing; she gets lots of traffic and has been very popular with the media these days! Check it out at Frugal in Virginia!
Please leave a comment or email me at

First Featured Mommy

I am happy to introduce to you Dana Adams from Charlottesville, Virginia(my sister in law and friend).
Dana is the first Mommy to be featured on Tea Time; I hope you enjoy the interview as much as I did.

Who are you? Name, location, describe your family, what does your day look like?

My name is Dana Adams. I’m married to my high school sweetheart, Ryan, and we have a beautiful little girl named Sadie. A second child is on the way too, due in June. We live in the great state of Virginia in the eastern U.S.

Thankfully, I have been given the opportunity to stay at home with our daughter, so my typical day is full of book reading, doll hugging, and snack times.

We usually start our day around 7:00 with breakfast, and Ryan is out the door for work around 7:30. Sadie and I often spend our mornings running errands or going to playgroups. My favorite morning outing: playgroup at the local coffee shop. After lunch, Sadie goes down for a (long) nap. That’s my work time. I have a home business (website), so I spend most of nap time working on that. The rest of nap time is spent getting things done around the house. By 5:00 we typically start cooking dinner, and Ryan is home by 5:45. After dinner, the evening is usually spent doing things around the house as a family.

What state is typical for your living area? ie. Can you eat off your floors, an organized mess (perfect storm), or a complete disaster (a tornado went through).

I’m definitely not a great housekeeper, much to Ryan’s dismay at times. I would say our house is typically a “perfect storm”. The time I do have to clean is primarily spent picking up after a (very) active 16 month old. If I had two more hours in the day to myself and a little more cleaning motivation, I perhaps would have a cleaner house. Maybe.

If you had to pick one thing that you enjoyed most about being a Mom, what would it be?

It’s so wonderful to see our daughter learn new things and get so excited about life! It’s just amazing, and I get so much enjoyment from it. She learns different things everyday, and it’s so fun to see her excitement over things that we take for granted. (What a great reminder to me!) Just last week she got a baby doll. She was thrilled with this doll from the start. Immediately she started to call it “baby”, a word she hadn’t said before. She has hugged that baby, given it rides on her baby tricycle, and tried to feed it again and again since it was give to her. The learning experience and excitement over that doll has been contagious in our house! I have such a wonderful time watching her learn and enjoy.

If you had to pick one struggle that you have, being a Mom, what would it be?

Discipline. We’ve already seen many signs of a strong will and independence from our daughter. She can be one tough cookie- at 16 months. It’s been such a struggle and learning process to learn how to discipline her best. Any ideas would be appreciated!

What is the most important thing you want to teach your children?

To love and obey the Lord. From her love for the Lord will flow strong values.

What are you afraid of?

I love my husband and daughter so much that I just don’t know what I would do without them. Something happening to them is a pretty scary thought.

Do you have any tricks for getting out the door ?

I keep the diaper bag pretty well stocked at all times. (But not so much it weighs me down.) It always has a spare outfit, a few diapers, snacks, etc. The only thing I have to throw in is a sippy cup. It makes that part of getting out the door easier.

What are some things you continue to do for yourself?

I have a home business. It’s a blog, and from it I’ve been able to make a little part time income. I started the blog several months ago after Sadie was born, and while the earnings are nice, and I’ve continued to do it primarily for myself. It’s a great professional and creative outlet for me. After I became a stay-at-home mom, I felt like I wasn’t tapping into my potential, and I was just bored. My site has allowed me to have some “professional” time each day as a work, and it gets my brain going. Plus, I am building my resume for the time I decide to return to work.

And that's what Mommies are made of.....

Love and Laughter!


I am very excited to introduce to you my new segment "What are Mommies made of?"!

Inspired by the well known poems 'what are little girls made of' and 'what are little boys made of', I made up my own version for Moms.

What are Mommies made of...
What are Mommies made of... and laughter...
and everything after...
That's what Mommies are made of

In this part of my blog I will be introducing you to many Moms all over the globe. The questions I ask will be ones that join us together in our experiences of motherhood. If you are interested in being a featured Mommy please email me at!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

I Need To Pinch Myself!

I NEED TO PINCH MYSELF, page after page...

You know the friend or family member that you have that sobs during every drama, if not crying they are yelling and throwing things at the characters on the screen? Well...I would be that friend! Yes, I have to choose my movies (and books) wisely because I get so involved that it is absolutely exhausting! My point to this little tid bit or tim bit of information is that Nineteen Minutes (January's Book)is exhausting for me to read!!!! Jodi Picoult does such a fantastic job at bringing you right into the book....I feel like I am the Mother running to see if my child is hurt...I feel like I am the policeman at the horrific scene...I feel like I am the kid being bullied....

Here are two segments I pulled out..

Page Forty:

Labor was hard for everyone, Lacy knew, but especially hard for the women who had expectations and lists and plans, because it was never the way you thought it would be. In order to labor well, you had to let your body take over, instead of your mind. You revealed yourself, even the parts you had forgotten about. For someone like Alex, who was so used to being in control this could be devastating. Success would come only at the expense of losing her cool, at the risk of turning into someone she did not want to be.

Page Sixty Six:

A boy with ape arms and a backward baseball cap grabbed the lunch box out of Peter's grasp. "Hey , freak," he said, " you want to see Superman fly?"
Before Peter understood what the older boy was doing, he opened a window and hurled Peter's lunch box out of it. Peter stood up, craning his neck around to see out the rear emergency door. His lunch box burst open on the asphalt. His apple rolled across the dotted yellow line of the road and vanished beneath the tire of an oncoming car.
"Sit down!" the bus driver yelled.

How far are you in? What do you think? Let me know with a comment or send me an email,

Happy Reading!

Tea Anyone!

Tea anyone....?

Three books ago, when I first introduced 'Tea Time', I wasn't sure what it was all going to look like. I wanted to connect with people; books were a natural way for me to do that. I have had so many conversations regarding the posts, and blogging and even made some new friends. Your comments, feedback and support have been so amazing, I appreciate them very much. I hope you will continue to be with me as I develop, tweak and add to my vision.


Carrie (Yes, I am really drinking a cup of tea.)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

January's Book

I am excited to introduce January's Book:
Nineteen Minutes written by Jodi Picoult!
As written on the back cover:
Sterling is an ordinary New Hampshire town where nothing ever happens-until the day its complacency is shattered by an act of violence. Josie Cormier, the daughter of the judge sitting on the case, should be the state's best witness, but she can't remember what happened before her very own eyes-or can she? As the trial progresses, fault lines between the high school and the adult community begin to show-destroying the closest of friendships and families. Nineteen Minutes asks what it means to be different in our society, who has the right to judge someone else, and whether anyone is ever really who they seem to be.

Have you read it? Have you heard of Jodi Picoult? Let me know..if you can't comment please email me at

Happy Reading!

Saturday, January 3, 2009


TRAGIC! The Swallows of Kabul - Yasmina Khadra

I really enjoyed this book, though the ending was so tragic. Books that stir up human compassion and understanding are wonderful. We are so quick to judge, to be so sure 'I would never do that! or How could they?'. This book shows how terrible events and situations can lead to unspeakable, unthinkable, and horrendous outcomes.

A couple of passages that made me think:

Chapter 6 - Page seventy two:

Zunaira is no Taliban, and her husband's not mad; if he lost his way in a moment of collective hysteria, that's because the horrors of everyday life are sufficiently powerful to overwhelm all defenses, and human degeneracy is deeper than any abyss. Mohsen is behaving like other people, recognizing his distress in theirs, identifying with their degradation. His deed provides proof that everything can change, without warning and beyond recognition.

Chapter 9 - Page one hundred and eighteen:

Even if you find an answer to every question today, you still won't be safe from whatever unknowable event may take place tomorrow. The learned man knew many things, but he was ignorant about the essential thing. Basically, being alive means keeping yourself ready for the sky to fall in on you at any time. If you start from the assumption that existence is only an ordeal, a test we have to pass, then you're equipped to deal with its sorrows and its surprises. If you persist in expecting it to give you something it can't give, that just proves that you haven't understood anything. Take things as they come; don't turn them into a drama. You're not piloting a ship, you're following the course of your destiny. Yesterday, I lost my mother. Today, I went to spend a few moments in silence at her grave. Now I'm at Khorsan's getting a bite to eat.

If you managed read this book during the busy month of December, please leave a comment! If you are unable to comment, please email me at

Soon to come, January's Book!

Happy Reading!

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year to everyone! Now that 2009 has rolled in (can you believe it?) I am excited to get back to blogging! We have two books under are belt and I will be announcing January's Book in blogs to come!
I am excited to introduce to you 'What are Mommies Made of?' coming this month!
This picture pretty much shows what my family and I did over the holidays....cold or not we were out there, mostly making snow angels!!
A book should serve as an axe for the frozen sea within us. FRANZ KAFKA